
1. 同样的邮箱生成不一样的rsa

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "azheemail@163.com" 用ssh-keygen命令生成一组新的id_rsa_gitee和id_rsa_gitee.pub


因为默认只读取id_rsa,为了让SSH识别新的私钥,需将其添加到SSH agent中: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitee.pub ssh 如果出现Could not open a connection to your authentication agent的错误,就试着用以下命令:

ssh-agent bash
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitee

3. 然后配置~/.ssh/config文件(如果没有的话请重新创建一个)

vim ~/.ssh/config

# 该文件用于配置私钥对应的服务器
# Default github user(azheemail@163.com)
Host gitee
 HostName gitee.com
 User azhegit
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitee

 # second user(zheqing.wang@tongdun.cn)
 # 建一个github别名,新建的帐号使用这个别名做克隆和更新
#gitab server
Host gitlab
 Hostname gitlab.fraudmetrix.cn
 User zheqing.wang
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

4. 添加公钥到对应的网站

5. 测试


ssh -T git@gitee
Welcome to Gitee.com, 阿哲!

ssh -T git@gitlab
Welcome to GitLab, wangzheqing! 

如果添加之后还是下载不来代码:ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitee


cd ~/workspace/github_two/ git init git config user.name “Your name” git config user.email your_email@gmail.com

6. 初始化项目并上传

  1. git init
  2. git remote add origin git@gitee.com:azhegit/SparkDemo.git
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m ‘init’
  5. git push orign master -f