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查看配置信息: show config

Aerospike Admin

  • enable: Enters privileged mode, which allows a you to issue manage and asinfo commands. Options: –warn: Use this option to receive a prompt to confirm that you want to run the command.
  • exit: Terminate session
  • help: Displays the documentation for the specified command. For example, to see the documentation for the ‘info’ command, use the command ‘help info’.
  • watch: Runs a command for a specified pause and iterations. Usage: watch [pause] [iterations] [–no-diff] command pause: The duration between executions. [default: 2 seconds] iterations: Number of iterations to execute command. [default: until keyboard interrupt] Options: –no-diff: Do not highlight differences Example 1: Show ‘info network’ 3 times and pause for 1 second each time. watch 1 3 info network Example 2: Show “info namespace” with 5 seconds pause until interrupted watch 5 info namespace
  • summary: Displays summary of Aerospike cluster. Options: -l - Enable to display namespace output in List view. Default: Table view –enable-ssh - Enables the collection of system statistics from a remote server. –ssh-user - Default user ID for remote servers. This is the ID of a user of the system, not the ID of an Aerospike user. –ssh-pwd - Default password or passphrase for key for remote servers. This is the user’s password for logging into the system, not a password for logging into Aerospike. –ssh-port - Default SSH port for remote servers. Default: 22 –ssh-key - Default SSH key (file path) for remote servers. –ssh-cf - Remote System Credentials file path. If the server credentials are not in the credentials file, then authentication is attempted with the default credentials. File format : each line should contain <IP[:PORT]>,<USER_ID>, ,<SSH_KEY> Example:,uid,pwd,uid,pwd,uid,,key_path,uid,passphrase,key_path [2001::1234:10],uid,pwd [2001::1234:10]:3232,uid,,key_path Modifiers: with
  • features: Lists the features in use in a running Aerospike cluster. Modifiers: like, with
  • pager: Set pager for output
    • off: Removes pager and prints output normally
    • on: Displays output with vertical and horizontal paging for each output table same as linux ‘less’ command. Use arrow keys to scroll output and ‘q’ to end page for table. All linux less commands can work in this pager option.
    • scroll: Display output in scrolling mode
  • collectinfo: “collectinfo” is used to collect cluster info, aerospike conf file and system stats. Modifiers: with Default: Collects cluster info, aerospike conf file for local node and system stats from all nodes if remote server credentials provided. If credentials are not available then it will collect system stats from local node only. Options: -n - Number of snapshots. Default: 1 -s - Sleep time in seconds between each snapshot. Default: 5 sec –enable-ssh - Enables the collection of system statistics from the remote server. –ssh-user - Default user ID for remote servers. This is the ID of a user of the system not the ID of an Aerospike user. –ssh-pwd - Default password or passphrase for key for remote servers. This is the user’s password for logging into the system, not a password for logging into Aerospike. –ssh-port - Default SSH port for remote servers. Default: 22 –ssh-key - Default SSH key (file path) for remote servers. –ssh-cf - Remote System Credentials file path. If the server credentials are not in the credentials file, then authentication is attempted with the default credentials. File format : each line must contain <IP[:PORT]>,<USER_ID> ,<SSH_KEY> Example:,uid,pwd,uid,pwd,uid,,key_path,uid,passphrase,key_path [2001::1234:10],uid,pwd [2001::1234:10]:3232,uid,,key_path –output-prefix - Output directory name prefix. –asconfig-file - Aerospike config file path to collect. Default: /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf
  • asinfo: “asinfo” provides raw access to the info protocol. Options: -v - The command to execute -p - Port to use in the case of an XDR info command and XDR is not in asd -l - Replace semicolons “;” with newlines. If output does not contain semicolons “-l” will attempt to use colons “:” followed by commas “,”. –no_node_name - Force to display output without printing node names. Modifiers: like, with Default: Executes an info command.
  • manage: “manage” is used for administrative tasks like managing users, roles, udf, and sindexes
    • acl: “manage acl” is used to manage users and roles.
      • create:
        • user: Usage: create user [password ] [roles …] username - Name of the new user. password - Password for the new user. User will be prompted if no password is provided. roles - Roles to be granted to the user. [default: None] Modifiers: password, roles
        • role: Usage: create role priv [ns [set ]] [allow [ […]]] [read ] [write ] role-name - Name of the new role. priv - Privilege for the new role. Some privileges are not limited to a global scope. Scopes are either global, per namespace, or per namespace and set. For more information: https://www.aerospike.com/docs/operations/configure/security/access-control/#privileges-permissions-and-scopes [default: None] ns - Namespace scope of privilege. [default: None] set - Set scope of privilege. Namespace scope is required. [default: None] allow - Addresses of nodes that a role will be allowed to connect to a cluster from. [default: None] read - Quota for read transaction (TPS). write - Quota for write transaction (TPS). Required: priv Modifiers: allow, ns, read, set, write
      • delete:
        • user: Usage: delete user username - User to delete.
        • role: Usage: delete role role-name - Role to delete.
      • grant:
        • user: Usage: grant user roles [ […]] username - User to have roles granted. roles - Roles to add to the user. Required: roles
        • role: Usage: grant role priv [ns [set ]]> role-name - Role to have the privilege granted. priv - Privilege to be added to the role. ns - Namespace scope of privilege. [default: None] set - Set scope of privilege. Namespace scope is required. [default: None] Required: priv Modifiers: ns, set
      • revoke:
        • user: Usage: revoke user roles [ […]] username - User to have roles revoked. roles - Roles to delete from the user. Required: roles
        • role: Usage: revoke role priv [ns [set ]]> role-name - Role to have privilege revoked. priv - Privilege to delete from the role. ns - Namespace scope of privilege [default: None] set - Set scope of privilege. Namespace scope is required. [default: None] Required: priv Modifiers: ns, set
      • set-password: Usage: set-password user [password ] username - User to have password set. password - Password for the user. A prompt will appear if no password is provided. Modifiers: password
      • change-password: Usage: change-password user [old ] [new ] username - User that needs a new password. old - Current password for the user. User will be prompted if no password is provided. new - New password for the user. User will be prompted if no password is provided. Required: user Modifiers: new, old
      • allowlist: Usage: allowlist role allow [ […]] role-name - Role that will have the new allowlist. allow - Addresses of nodes that a role will be allowed to connect from. This command erases and re-assigns the allowlist Usage: allowlist role clear role-name - Role that will have the allowlist cleared. clear - Clears allowlist from the role. Either ‘allow’ or ‘clear’ is required. Required: role Modifiers: allow, clear
      • quotas: Usage: quotas role [read ]|[write ] role-name - Role to assign a quota read - Quota for read transaction (TPS). To give a role an unlimited quota enter 0 write - Quota for write transaction (TPS). Note: A read or write quota is required. Not providing a quota will leave it unchanged. Required: role Modifiers: read, write
    • udfs: “manage udfs” is used to add and remove user defined functions.
      • add: Usage: add path module-name - Name of module to be stored in the server. Can be different from file in path but must end with an extension. path - Path to the udf module. Can be either absolute or relative to the current working directory. Required: path
      • remove: Usage: remove module-name - Name of module to remove as stored in the server.
    • sindex: “manage sindex” is used to create and delete secondary indexes.
      • create: Usage: create ns [set ] bin [in ] bin-type - The bin type of the provided . Should be one of the following values: numeric, string, or geo2dsphere index-name - Name of the secondary index to be created. Should be 20 characters or less and not contain “:” or “;”. ns - Name of namespace to create the secondary index on. set - Name of set to create the secondary index on. bin - Name of bin to create secondary index on. in - Specifies how the secondary index is to collect keys: list: Specifies to use the elements of a list as keys. mapkeys: Specifies to use the keys of a map as keys. mapvalues: Specifies to use the values of a map as keys. [default: Specifies to use the contents of a bin as keys.] Required: bin, ns Modifiers: in, set
      • delete: Usage: delete ns [set ] index-name - Name of the secondary index to be deleted. ns - Namespace where the sindex resides. set - Set where the sindex resides. Required: ns Modifiers: set
  • show: “show” is used to display Aerospike Statistics configuration.
    • config: “show config” is used to display Aerospike configuration settings Modifiers: diff, for, like, with Default: Displays service, network, and namespace configuration Options: -r - Repeat output table title and row header after every columns. [default: False, no repetition] -flip - Flip output table to show Nodes on Y axis and config on X axis.
      • cluster: Displays Cluster configuration
      • dc: Displays datacenter configuration. Replaced by “show config xdr” for server >= 5.0.
      • namespace: Displays namespace configuration
      • network: Displays network configuration
      • service: Displays service configuration
      • xdr: Displays XDR configuration
    • statistics: “show statistics” is used to display statistics for Aerospike components. Modifiers: for, like, with Default: Displays bin, set, service, and namespace statistics Options: -t - Set to show total column at the end. It contains node wise sum for statistics. -r - Repeat output table title and row header after every columns. [default: False, no repetition] -flip - Flip output table to show Nodes on Y axis and stats on X axis.
      • bins: Displays bin statistics
      • dc: Displays datacenter statistics. Replaced by “show statistics xdr” for server >= 5.0.
      • namespace: Displays namespace statistics
      • service: Displays service statistics
      • sets: Displays set statistics
      • sindex: Displays sindex statistics
      • xdr: Displays XDR statistics
    • latencies: “show latencies” is used to show the server latency histograms Modifiers: for, like, with Default: Displays latency information for the Aerospike cluster. Options: -e - Exponential increment of latency buckets, i.e. 2^0 2^(e) … 2^(e * i) [default: 3] -b - Number of latency buckets to display. [default: 3] -v - Set to display verbose output of optionally configured histograms.
    • distribution: “show distribution” is used to show the distribution of object sizes and time to live for node and a namespace. Modifiers: for, with Default: Shows the distributions of Time to Live and Object Size
      • eviction: Shows the distribution of namespace Eviction TTLs for server version 3.7.5 and below
      • object_size: Shows the distribution of Object sizes for namespaces Options: -b - Force to show byte wise distribution of Object Sizes. Default is rblock wise distribution in percentage -k - Maximum number of buckets to show if -b is set. It distributes objects in same size k buckets and displays only buckets that have objects in them. [default is 5].
      • time_to_live: Shows the distribution of TTLs for namespaces
    • mapping: “show mapping” is used to display Aerospike mapping from IP to Node_id and Node_id to IPs Modifiers: like Default: Displays mapping IPs to Node_id and Node_id to IPs
      • ip: Displays IP to Node_id mapping
      • node: Displays Node_id to IPs mapping
    • pmap: “show pmap” displays partition map analysis of the Aerospike cluster.
    • users: “show users” displays users and their assigned roles, connections, and quota metrics for the Aerospike cluster. Modifiers: like
    • roles: “show roles” displays roles and their assigned privileges, allowlist, and quotas for the Aerospike cluster. Modifiers: like
    • udfs: “show udfs” displays UDF modules along with metadata. Modifiers: like
    • sindex: “show sindex” displays secondary indexes and static metadata. Modifiers: like
  • info: The “info” command provides summary tables for various aspects of Aerospike functionality. Modifiers: for, with Default: Displays network, namespace, and XDR summary information.
    • dc: “info dc” displays summary information for each datacenter. Replaced by “info xdr” for server >= 5.0.
    • network: “info network” displays network information for Aerospike.
    • set: “info set” displays summary information for each set.
    • sindex: “info sindex” displays summary information for Secondary Indexes (SIndex).
    • xdr: “info xdr” displays summary information for each datacenter.
    • namespace: “info namespace” command provides summary tables for various aspects of Aerospike namespaces. Modifiers: with Default: Displays usage and objects information for namespaces
      • object: Displays object information for each namespace.
      • usage: Displays usage information for each namespace.